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Most Extreme Invention Space In 2012

Most Extreme Invention Space In 2012

By Elizabeth Howell |
Astronomical discoveries in 2012 has changed what we know about the universe and push some of the instruments to the limit of their ability to observe.
The scientists discovered a galaxy that holds the huge black hole, with its head size of 17 billion times more massive than the Sun. Other research groups see a hot rocky planet in the star system nearest our solar system. Meanwhile, a record for the most massive galaxies and the most distant finally solved.
Here is a summary of some of the findings of the most extreme and most interesting cosmic year.

Black holes are the most terrible 
Observers may not want to get too close to NGC 1277 or a very large black hole, which takes up most of the galaxy itself. Central black hole size of 17 billion times more massive than the Sun and occupies 14 percent of the mass of the galaxy is located, compared with 0.1 percent of the regular size.
Researchers are very confused by the size of the black hole, to the extent that they delayed a year to check their calculations before publishing the results.

Outer planets closest to Earth 
In a surprising discovery, astronomers have found a planet the same size as Earth next star system. Rocky planets were discovered in the Alpha Centauri star system with three, which is only 4.3 light years away from us.
There can be no life on the planet. Rocky surface that may be liquid, as the planet orbits only at a distance of 3.6 million miles (6 million miles) from the Sun-like star. (Earth, for comparison, rotating at a distance 93 million miles, or 150 million km, from the Sun).
Alpha Centauri Bb, is the name of the planet, discovered through gravitational vibrations tracking planets around the star. The vibe in this case is very smooth, making the star back and forth on no more than 1.1 mph (1.8 km / h). The research team stated that "push our technique to the maximum extent," and some astronomers are skeptical that the planet exists.
And this month, a team of researchers to detect five different potential planets orbiting the star Tau Ceti, which is located only 11.9 light-years from Earth. One candidate for a new world capable of supporting life as we know it, according to the scientists.

Smallest alien world 
Astronomers using NASA's Kepler Space Telescope and discovered three small planets within 120 light years from Earth. Around the star KOI-961, the smallest of the three planets the size of Mars, and all that is smaller than the Earth. Even the star itself is small - only 70 percent bigger than Jupiter.
"This is the most compact of the planet," said John Johnson, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. "It's like you have a laser pistol penyusut and adjusting the settings of up to seven times smaller and fired a planetary system."

The smallest solar system
 KOI-500 has five planets are so closely packed together that their gravity touching each other in orbit. "Year" in the system is just over 1, 3, 4.6, 7.1 and 9.5 days. In addition, minor planets: only 1.3 to 2.6 times the size of Earth.
All this happened in a region 150 times smaller than the Earth's orbit, the astronomers said.
"At this level, you can easily enter in the 10 planet more, and they still fit comfortably inside the orbit of the earth," said Darin Ragozzine, a planetary scientist at the University of Florida in Gainesville, said in a statement.

The most distant galaxies
Just like the 100 meters world record, record the farthest galaxies known to frequent change. Recent record-holder is the latest potential UDFj-39546284, which have formed when the universe was only 380 million years old. Extremes of age was found in 2012 using new observations from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
The galaxy is part of a group of seven who examined astronomers, may form a reliable first observations of galaxies that formed 400 million and 600 million years after the Big Bang created the universe 13.7 billion years ago.

The oldest, most distant supernovae
In 2012, astronomers describe what they think is causing the most distant supernova oldest in the universe. Scientists believe that some supernovae "super-light" comes from massive stars - 100 to 250 times the mass of the Sun - a burst and spew their material into space.
Astronomers said that in massive stars, changes in gamma rays into pairs of electrons and antimatter positrons. Gamma rays usually stop stars from collapsing under gravity, but his grip weakened as gamma rays convert to matter. At this point the star explode, triggering an explosion.

Clusters of galaxies at large 
About 2,000 times larger than the Milky Way, a large group of galaxies about 7 billion light years have almost every material known. Astronomers say the group (known as the SPT-CLJ2344 4243 and dubbed the Phoenix) appears to contain thousands of galaxies of various sizes.
Astronomers first saw the Phoenix in 2010, but did not realize the extent until they do further observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory NASA. Light of the very high energy flows out of the group, making it the most luminous X-ray ever found, 35 percent brighter than the previous record holder.

Map the universe's largest
The astronomers a step closer to understanding how the beginning of the universe. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey III released a map with a chart that has more than 1 million galaxies in a total volume of 70 billion cubic light years.
This map may help astronomers better understand dark matter and mysterious dark energy that make up most of the universe, researchers said.

The view of the universe farthest
Hubble Space Telescope could peer far deeper penetrating deadline. Famous orbiting observatory was successfully captured light emitted 13.2 billion years ago, when the universe was only 500 million years old or more.
Hubble image, called eXtreme Deep Field, showing galaxies and light accumulated over 10 years in the form of a small bit of the sky, this is the best method we have to see objects so far. This photo is the successor to the Hubble "Ultra Deep Field", which captured the telescope in 2003 and 2004.
The strongest magnetic star
There is a star as far as 20,000 light years from Earth with magnetic character. NGC 1624-2, about 35 times as large as the Sun, visible in the constellation Perseus. With a magnetic field 20,000 times stronger than the Sun-and 10 times more powerful than any known star - NGC 1624-2 blanket dragging of charged particles trapped in the vicinity.
"The magnetic field with a strength like this is very rare, known to only a few in other stars with masses much lower," said lead study author Gregg Wade, an astronomer at the Royal Military College of Canada told in an interview in September. "It takes luck to find a strong field."
X-ray bursts when the world was young 
A beam of X-rays coming from the quasar GB 1428 (a galaxy that has a massive black hole at its center) was found about 12.4 billion light years from Earth. Range of estimated radiation about twice the diameter of the Milky Way.
With the previous record holder at 12.2 billion light-years away, astronomers say they get more information about how the behavior of black holes in the early universe.

The largest found in the galactic core super big
Lurking in a galaxy about 10 times the width of the Milky Way is the galaxy's core are diverse not seem to have a black hole associated with it.
Very thin core of A2261-BCG, which is about 10,000 light-years away, astronomers baffled by the supermassive black hole is estimated to belong in the heart of most galaxies. observations from the Hubble Space Telescope showed these nuclei may have been built when two galaxies merge.

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